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Zapustite Internet shop on Opencart (OcStore)

Good day. Have vinike the needs zapustite Internet store. Rozhledy OC 3.
Sukau wykonawca scho sale vikonati I in podelcoma dopracowany project.
Rozhledy lachey wykonawca s rating that is quiet, hto on platform more 1 rock.

For the cob bude need:

- Ustanoviti CMS vikonati Pervin customize.

- Ustanoviti prizes template (pridav).

- Ustanoviti nastupati sprosen basket nastupati methods of payment and delivery.

- To hold the robot on SEO malastrana the website and server.
- Ustanoviti module "participation" - we will prosuvalisya in SEO via text on Sait.
Dodatkow dopracowane we will Shogunate before cob of work.

04.07.2020 15:26

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