PHP programmer to refine the site on the legacy framework symfony1It is interesting long-term cooperation for the support and refinement of projects on the old symphony framework. With the prospect of switc... >>>
19.02.2021 19:07
PHP is a ruarbot. WordpressIve got the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plug-in and Discounts. This plug-in forms sets of conditions to change the price. You have to: 1. br... >>>
19.02.2021 12:00
Writing functionality for LaravelHello worldSite on - LaravelTasks include writing out functions such as:Referral - its setting in the adminSettings fields at the user - all... >>>
19.02.2021 11:29
Advice on hosting wpengine.comA consultation is needed on the transfer of the site to the hosting on Friday at 16:00 Moscow time.... >>>
18.02.2021 20:46
Receiving, formatting and transmitting data from the APIYou need to implement the reception, formatting, and transmission of data from the cash register API to the CCTV API. The implementation of ... >>>
18.02.2021 18:17
To supplement the terms in the plug-in PHP/WPIn the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plug-in, you need to create conditions for lower/increasing prices (depending on product residues, rank i... >>>
18.02.2021 18:17
Filling the site with contentFilling, creating and editing merchandise cards, images, creating and placing banners, adjusting prices.... >>>
18.02.2021 14:39
PHP developer (Laravel)The football news project requires a PHP-developer on a remote basis. The site is designed on Laravel 8. There is a code base in which you n... >>>
18.02.2021 13:19
PHP developer (Laravel)The football news project requires a PHP-developer on a remote basis. The site is designed on Laravel 8. There is a code base in which you n... >>>
18.02.2021 13:19
Make changes to the product card for the site on 1C-Bitrix"The product page doesnt show the value of the "Collection Site" property. As I understood there is programmed option of output of informati... >>>
17.02.2021 20:46
Make a turbo page on wpI have on the site key pages that need to be turbo on Yandex (it moved us because of this from the search moved well, although in Google we ... >>>
17.02.2021 20:45
Connect apesYou need to help sort out the SITEs API connection. Site on php.... >>>
17.02.2021 20:45
Python script that would take values from json and from them remade xmlat the entrance there will be a json file and It will need to be turned into xml It will need to be done within the next 3-4 hours... >>>
17.02.2021 19:35
Integrate event registration form (PHP) into amoCRMThere is a code on PHP, which by a certain logic implements filling out a very complex questionnaire and folds the data into an excel, it is... >>>
17.02.2021 14:37
Solve a block of problems on bitrixWrite your tellograms and experience with the platform... >>>
17.02.2021 14:37
Develop an API to transfer product content to an online storeNow we download product data (product description, feature set, photos) about products in Excel format, inconvenient. We want to develop an ... >>>
17.02.2021 13:48
1C-Bitrix developer on permanent job, possibly remotelyGood afternoon! We are looking for a developer in the 1C-Bitrix team. Only Moscow or the nearest suburbs, meetings of the glider once a week... >>>
17.02.2021 13:47
Programmers adviceYou need to log in at least twice a day and answer students questions related to web programming, and check your homework. There is an appli... >>>
17.02.2021 13:40
Integration with the vendors site by its APIThere is an empty online store on 1C Beatrix, which must be filled with Heres the information from the goods supp... >>>
16.02.2021 20:31
Requires a DLE specialistYou want to fix flaws in the layout, rename categories, and fail categories and users. The task is urgent, leave telegrams or Skype to commu... >>>
16.02.2021 19:23