Programmer on zend frameworkYou need to refine the online store for The site development platform is zend Framework, the software part of the user interfac... >>>
22.01.2021 15:09
Adjustment of merchandise cardsUpdate, editing of goods cards... >>>
22.01.2021 15:08
Programmer phpMidle/Senior php programmers are invited to a major project The main task: programming and supporting web applications Our expectations: kno... >>>
22.01.2021 15:08
The ProgrammerSite development... >>>
22.01.2021 15:04
Make edits and finish the Telegram bot on LaravelYou need experience with Laravel.... >>>
21.01.2021 19:45
Creating an online store for English-speaking audiencesDetermine the topic for the online store, possibly editing.Import a few items on the store (picture, description, product reviews and more l... >>>
21.01.2021 14:05
Fix the filter on WPMake a news filter on the page in reverse order - first will be a throw-off, offer cost... >>>
21.01.2021 13:15
Develop a service on LaravelRequires a fullstek developer familiar with Laravel, as well as a layout on blade, js.It is necessary to tighten the finished layout on TK i... >>>
21.01.2021 13:15
Create an online store on OpenCart integrationWe are looking for a person who will be able to create an online store on OpenCart on the finished design on Tilda. You also need to set up ... >>>
21.01.2021 13:13
Bitrix PuzzlesThe site should: 1. Add the logo to the site cap (with the transition to the subsection) 2. adapiive. block with logos add to the mob versio... >>>
21.01.2021 13:11
REFINING THE SITE ON OPENCARTGood afternoonWe are looking for an experienced developer OpenCart to refine the online store. The site is 90% ready and available to users.... >>>
21.01.2021 13:10
Create a Telegram BothaThe most important points that require knowledge and experience- Integration to Pay SRM Integration ... >>>
21.01.2021 13:07
Edits on laravelSite on laravel vue, marketplace You need to refine the product card - add dimensions and weight to the daminka and description You also nee... >>>
21.01.2021 13:05
Long-term support, support of the finished site. (Joomla)Metal door repair site in Moscow. The site is old, has a position. Sometimes you have to publish new pages. Give advice, follow the position... >>>
20.01.2021 23:48
Write a modifier for OpenCart 3 - multiple prices in the product cardYou need to write a modifier for OpenCart 3 (with Frame theme) to display multiple prices in the item card.This should be a separate extensi... >>>
20.01.2021 20:53
Laravel transport aggregatorJust a backend. (laravel)Part of the project is ready.PEREVOZIST.RU IS AN AGGREGATOR BETWEEN TRUCK DRIVERS AND CUSTOMERS. The customer creat... >>>
20.01.2021 20:51
MODX Revolution. Make changes to the page templateThe site has a template for the project page (in the Portfolio section). We need to change the TV fields: - There is a field for adding the ... >>>
20.01.2021 20:51
Need a refinement specialist on cs cartRefinements are constantly required.... >>>
20.01.2021 15:26
Refining the site on CMS SimplaThe task is to make the following improvements. 1. Print price tags from the site with a selection of data for output. 2. The conclusion of ... >>>
20.01.2021 15:17
Write Api for Business Case (php)You need a developer with knowledge of php senior developerGive your telegrams for communication, discuss those.... >>>
20.01.2021 15:15