The extension of feedback with SMS. (Jomla 2.5.6 ) | Engine: 2.5.6 Jomla Website: Sms integration with the service ( ) Good day. The site operates a form of request fo... >>> 16.03.2016 23:21 |
The creation of a website on Ruby on Rails | Hello. You need to create a website on Ruby on Rails. The approximate description of the functional applied to the project. Only through the... >>> 16.03.2016 23:21 |
Paste in Excel photo | you Need to create a price list in Excel. You need to paste into Excel about 150 of the numbered images in the order numbered. Pictures you ... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Configuring the module filter Pro in CMS opencart | Need help setting up a filter pro, specifically to perform the following tasks: 1. Fix the display of pictures on the slider 2. Change the ... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
completion of the feedback form opencart | it is Necessary to finalise the feedback form on the website now you can send one file through a form and need to send a fe... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Kastrati security servers VPS CMS (eshop) | online shop with in-house CMS platform is deployed on VPS hosting REG.RU. Settings VPS the North "out of the box", you need to fine tune and... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
To create an internal page on bootsrtap | Good day! There is a project Where in the circles of the figures will be, like the animation from the start up to the value of the digit. ... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
to make a page template in wordpress | it is necessary to give the design to the text on the page with wordpress write on Skype kahakobyan... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
To finish the project farm PHP | Already have the billet farm(Money Birds) PHP, AJAX, MYSQL Need to finish about 40% of the work is made from PS Need a code, but not design... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Improvements on SEO in OpenCart and layout of the website from scratch | Basic requirements: To be always on, in case of breakdown or urgent corrections. The experience in this engine and the knowledge of his Loya... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Microsoft Silverlight (to configure printer HQ) | Hello, The program is written for Microsoft Silverlight, retail auto parts you want to configure the printer BARCODE, prints it works tekdi,... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
The layout of the main page using sass | now it is necessary to impose only the home page using sass. PSD skin. Requirements to layout: 1) sass 2) responsive 3) perfect pixel ... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Slow vydelennyi server | the Server the last days began to work more slowly, perhaps not optimized DB or something. Plus has ceased to work FTP. Panel ISP Manager ... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Modx Evo Cleaning of pictures to document | Hello Everyone. Modx evo 1.0.6-d1, you Know what the old version. It's not about the version and the plugin! Need to write a plugin, mo... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Catfishing Vkontakte | you want to write a script for a site that will track users that have accounts on Vkontakte (respectively they logged in there) and save to ... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Treatment site from malicious scripts | the rise of the traffic that comes from search queries on non-core subject site. Example link: ?zqo=drive-asus Bots come of the application,... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
design | you Need to give the design to the text page on wordpress... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
to fix the code and to revise the plug scene | on the Basis of specified threats in the web screen Avast, the threat is in one of the JavaScript s. They can be connected with a resource a... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
To add payment option payeer to Joomla | to connect to the website the possibility of payment through payeer wallet has already been created.... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |
Creating on-line calculator | Task: need on the website ... >>> 17.03.2016 23:10 |