To deal with two methods of Telegram API1. You need to send the image as it is. If you know how to do it, write "you know", write as you, I will immediately check and if works, ... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
You need to improve the structure of the links in joomlaWelcome! Move website from joomla to samapika and we need to save links. link here: website/page.php?id=1, it is necessary to make so that j... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
you need to tie 6 payment systems module for vtigerThere is a ready payment module, connected to RBC Mani and works fine. Need to tie another 6 ways of payment: 1. Interkassa 2. ROBOKASSA 3. ... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Web interface – web applicationGood day. The essence of the project: The web interface (like bootstrap). Tasks: 1) data Base of Internet media ( in which fields are name, ... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
URGENT! The website on Oscommerce. To integrate the cap (laid out)1. To fasten a new cap 2. Fixed a bug in the listings stop displaying the trash can icon. The website on Oscommerce, heavily modified. You ... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
The program generating figuresLooking at (possible other programming languages to implement) to create a program for image generation. The program to generate a matrix wi... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
TreeArtthe Application designer mosaic in the interior!... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Online storethe Simplest online store... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Exchange 2010you Need to migrate mailboxes, users and all settings with 2010й on 2013ю version. Only about 100 people. Write the terms, cost and conditio... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
To make video available after Paypal paymentThere is HTML a page, it simple player and video(test) You need to do to at the entrance, instead the video was the background, the backgrou... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Need a programmer to Image the CMS and HOST CMSNeeds continuing support sites on the server Virus removal Edit website Adding new features Layout of new sites (landing mostly)... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
antigate in imakrosAdd antigate in imakros you write the price and terms you need to do to take antigate captcha and solve it... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
To copy a landing page and drive the engine webasystyou want to copy the design landing Nasseri.RF and put on the engine webasyst. No additional modules to write gently.... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Setting email via Mandrill or Amazon sesGood day! Have a project, you need to constantly send up to 10,000 emails a day. There are accounts on amazon ses and mandrillapp, you need ... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
To transfer a file from the kcdb in excel formatGood day we urgently need to translate the kcdb file in any standard text format (word, excel, Notepad) to save all data (there are the keyw... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Looking for a programmer with knowledge of opencart systemsLooking for a programmer with knowledge of opencart systems for a single work... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Write a script for VK APIGood day, need to write a script to work with sending invitations in the VC, The script should be according to the type VK.BOT with interac... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
You need to add objects to the database.if you can take 350 objects in the database (system 1 object – 10 rubles. The deadline is 2-3 days.... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Parsing import in VirtueMart (joomla)Need parse 160 thousand goods (picture text), write the result to excel or csv and import it into virtuemart (goomla) The price and lead ti... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44
Laravel – a bit to finish the project.Hello Dear webmaster. Looking for a laravel expert to Refine some points. Website of 2 pages. the design is attached. He's already laid... >>>
16.03.2016 01:44