To tidy up the site on open cartto Edit a little css, the text on the opencart website.... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
The Pithon script to handle multi-page PDFsthe Basic requirements for the script: 1 the Script should work on MacOS 10.6.8 and above, Windows7, 8 2. Run Actions and Droplets in Photo... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Automation scripts copy the datayou need to make an automated script for windows. the script should copy the data for the individual fields from the program (similar to Exc... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
wordpress interactive mapHello, you need to put on the site WordPress interactive map of Kazakhstan with regions. to put links to each region. can svg. There is a ma... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
To develop the service, to analyze search engine ranking of website Javayou Need to develop the tools to analyze search engine positions of a site on Java. From the contractor requires knowledge of: *OSGI *Spring... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
The change of a component on JoomlaRequired the programmer to change the component in Jumla. And also change the crumb and templates Please quote price for 1 hour of work at ... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Programmer delphiyou Need to modify the bot for Dating site.Made in Delphi 2007. example tasks: you need to configure the communication of the bot with the ... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Battleship at JSSea Battle game ... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
ON to work with the MT4 terminals 5you Need to write software to control the terminals MT4,5: run terminal, the data transfer to advisers, simple trading robot, trading robot ... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Spoof phone number for utm tagHello. Need to write universal script for spoofing numbers. Need to track the effectiveness of traffic sources such as: Google AdWords, Yand... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
The programmer, creating a module for WordpressGood time! Need to write a module of statistics on goods for Wordpress. The module should calculate the amount of products in the warehouse... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Automation 3 fitness clubs in 1Cwe Need someone with experience in the implementation of 1C in the fitness club. Remote work. Need help to choose 1C, to finish on a regis... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
To give you some lessons on Ruby on RailsWorking on mac os, I know html/css, c, objective-c. I want to start developing with Ruby on Rails, looking for someone who will be able to e... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Programmer 1C to import products into the database1 you Must parse all data with online store for their subsequent import in 1C. 2 it is Necessary to import the commodity matrix to the cloud... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Script messaging Vkontakte from real accountto pick a sample of people according to certain parameters (city, gender, age, etc.), and all to send a message on behalf of a specific user... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Need a programmer who worked with apiGenerally speaking, all in the name. You need to connect them IPA to our website Write cost and terms... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Edits for opencartFor those who do not sleep. Fix is on the opencart website, tweaking of css and the item card.... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
To make a website1. You need to register via social networks or email. 2. Must be minimum personal account with the output and input of personal funds 3. In ... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Setting Twitter for facebookyou Must make the opportunity to leave the entry page to the same entry duplicated in humans on the wall in facebook. In the VC it happened,... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36
Write a simple formula or macro in Excel.Script for removing phrases with a negative words. There is a file with text cells. In a particular column will be entered the words. Need t... >>>
15.03.2016 20:36