Android developer (remote)Android developer (remote) At a constant remote work in a team of 6 people there is a vacancy of Android developer. The main direction of c... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Finalize the website on Bitrixyou want to make site improvements. Be sure to include the cost. The TOR attached. The replies immediately refused. A period of 3 days.... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Fix parser in the project on Yii FrameworkGood evening to all. You need to make a revision in the data parser in a medium complexity system on Yii Framework. Work for a day and a hal... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Urgently to correct the server bitrixenvAfter one mount of the administrator upgraded the server now it gives 504 Bad Gateway URGENT need to improve.... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
connection to privat24 websiteHello, you need to connect payment through privat24, the site in wordpress. payment is negotiable. skype: fox_sixsixone... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Transit directoryTransit catalog description see attachment. ... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Need for tweaking or re-write the parsing in the siteNeed for tweaking or re-write the parsing in the site For an example of parsing can be viewed at Parsing runs on and picks up the... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
The file for FBHello. One needs an expert who will be able to post data to FaceBook via the directory API. We need xml file that will be loaded by Facebook... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Need to parse the base website ad with phone numbersNeed to get from the site about the text ad, photo, email and phone numbers.... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
LARAVEL revision siteon the website need to make a new page. To make a rating of all venture capital funds and investors that exist in the wo... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
The development of the site for interaction with the STEAM platforma must!!! knowledge of the STEAM API, experience with STEAM. Languages JS, PHP, Python, Meteor. Knowledge in other gaming sites welcome. Can... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
To finalize the module for AmiroCMSthe Task for those who ate a dog on the websites under AmiroCMS :) There is a ready module AmiroCMS. ( ) choose for example MICS at 7,219.... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Migrating a large site with DLE DrupalHello. Will immediately indicate the failure: - studios; - those who want to hit the jackpot; - freelancers with the negative reviews. I ... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Layout landingNecessary westka landing. Without adaptability, without cms. The simplest layout. Here is mactec ... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
To write a bot to invite users to the site groupNeed to write a bot to invite users to the site group, P. C. no., not Facebook. Payment method – WebMoney. Contact >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Lab WithUsing loop statement, followed by condition, calculate the sum of an infinite series, considering only those components that have an absolut... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Lab Withto Write a program to solve the problem, using the cycle operator 'FOR'. The values of the array elements be entered from the keyb... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Link 1C and Drupal UCRequires the import of goods from 1C on a Drupal website UC. HTTP. To write the parser. The project stages: 1). Synchronization of prices o... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
Restaurant appThere's an app for smartphones. In the application in the personal account the person can make changes in General will the app to resta... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07
To pull the layout into CMSGood day, you must put a layout on any CMS. Deadline Friday morning. Possible prepayment or work through the RBU Layout and mini tors in Ann... >>>
15.03.2016 20:07