The layout of the siteit is Necessary to perform adaptive layout attached layout. Indicate the time and cost.... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Configuring cross-browser siteHello, you need to configure the browser compatibility of the site of The website does not work correctly in some IE versions 8,9 e... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Ready to pull the landing page on the CMS programmingGiven: There is a landing Now he made almost pure html/css. Task: Translate it to something easy CMS, in which: 1) will have ... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Modification of phpBB forumThis is a one time project. Avoid replies start a message with "forum". You need to modify the phpBB forum. to make a responsive logo (psd l... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Looking for a programmer to implement the parser pricesNeed a program to collect data from websites, and PITS, namely the prices of the goods and the store which offers the... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
To replace references to betancuria on the website on WordPressThere is a plugin for WordPress No_External_Links. He knows how to find all external links on the website and replace them or just the text,... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
To move a site from WordPress to MODx (corporate website)you Need to move a site from WordPress to MODx (corporate site). The bulk of the work performed, you must finish. The details will be sent ... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
To write a module for the online store to set up from scratch and-Please specify at what price You are willing to complete the project Should: write a module to import content from instagram in online sto... >>>
17.03.2016 23:35
Software developer at a startupLooking for a programmer to perform software design, a detailed TK. There are laid out design. The project is interesting and will be good f... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
To make pagination of articles on the WordPress.Hello need to do pagination of articles, the template is already there, standard solutions were tried, but the links lead to 404. The addit... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Remove modules OpencartOn the Opencart site ( is set module which need to be removed manually. Clean up all the plug-in files from all folders where they a... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
to make changes on the website is written in Pythonto make changes to the site write the price and terms ready in stages without prepayments 2. you need to remove artistic images from the mo... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
To conclude currency depending on the selected in the adminJoomshopping the what's new module to draw a conclusion as currency in the item card on the site, or is R or R./p. m , in the admin is ... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Modification of website on MODx Revo (layout introduction)looking for an expert on ModX Revo with real experience (their snippets, database queries and such) The task is as follows: A work site wit... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
The artist(for html5 graphics)Required programmer-artist working with graphics in html 5. Using canvas you need to draw certain elements. Work disposable. Just a few item... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Excel VBA error 1004 when working with a large filea Simple script written VBA compare two tables from two different files produces an error 1004 run-time error when you try to work on a larg... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Finalize the website on BitrixThere is an online store on 1C-Bitrix. You need to implement: - the output of goods in the category grouped by subcategories - does not wor... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
The implementation of the interface management unit in the GameThere is a radio for Android. App for radio on Android also. Need the following refinement. Cost to program the Arduino ( or any similar), s... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
Development of document templates for ГОСТ19 and ГОСТ34IN the process of creating complex automated system (AC) must be developed a set of design and working documentation. Their composition (sev... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12
windows 2008 – server configuration mailing listsThere is a server on windows server 2008 It cost ams 2.97 mailing ( or 98) It is necessary to make automatic decision on how to configure s... >>>
14.03.2016 13:12