Translation of the website into HTTPSthe translation of the site on HTTPS after installing SSL certificate on a domain, the website started a long time ago now,need a specialist... >>>
14.03.2016 12:40
Write a bot for integramhi. The task is as follows: have an account instagram. Need to automate the subscription process on the accounts and statement of likes. A l... >>>
14.03.2016 12:40
The development of telephone service(call via website)1. To choose a provider for service provision with high-quality API 2. To make the input page(HTML landing page) design 3. Registration/auth... >>>
14.03.2016 12:40
Online calculatorsGood day, Requires the development of several online calculators. 1. Need similar, only with fewer cars. 4. The job file attached to th... >>>
14.03.2016 12:40
Module development of import prices of suppliers in 1CRequired to develop modules import suppliers price lists from Excel in 1C and through the API, primarily from the MERLION ( . Further, the c... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Develop backend for the microcredit website.At the moment there is design, coding is done. In General, the functionality will be like Front-end will be on angular, i.e. f... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
To make a subscription form and integrate it in unisenderto Create a subscription form for your website Bind subscription form with unisender via the API or within the service, if possi... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Integration of service of mailing for IPAThere triggmine service, which sends emails depending on the client with the shopping cart on the website. Also, there is a detailed descrip... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Programmer working with AmiroNeed a programmer who knows amiro cms to perform tasks to improve the site. We are waiting for responses.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Site programming by sushi (template adaptation)Hello, dear freelancer! How much will the implementation of functionality included in this website ) - Also need a personal account on the... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Software development for touch screensNeed to do 2 simple games for touch screens: Memory game (you have to flip the same card) Virtual graffiti: drag drop of the Andes from the... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
To write a scriptGiven (see attachments): 1) 5 pictures, each of which contains several dozen smileys. 2) a json object with the coordinates of the smiley im... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Interaction with the use of KinectNeed to repeat this installation: please estimate time and deadlines technical component: 1) software development 2) soldering or some ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
To configure BitrixThere is the following problem. 1.At checkout, the buyer chooses the shipping courier (default EMS) and clicks proceed to checkout, after wh... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
The integration of the JS Photoswipe gallery in PhocaGallery 2.8.1it is Necessary to integrate the Photoswipe gallery in PhocaGallery 2.8.1 on a joomla 1.5. In other words, the thumbnails displayed in the b... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Create a WordPress siteyou Must create a site on WordPress with a similar interface and design sample – ladylad... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Script for site analysisyou Must write a script (preferably for Phantomjs) to analyze the website to find it on banners (including iframe) to track open Windows by ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Online storeWhen updating the website, all internal links have been changed. At the moment all pages in the index Yandex, when you get them give a 404 e... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
To finalize the store for PrestaShopto Modify the main page and the item card for the layout... all the sources are! Will write more in detail what and where in private! Need s... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39
Revision saya in wpAfter loading the website on another server the website was not working correctly . (not playing the first video file., not load the music o... >>>
14.03.2016 12:39