ProgrammerRequirement: Excellent knowledge of MySQL, MS SQL A lot of free time The constant presence on the network Please state your prices for the m... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Installation and modification of template for DLE 10.5you want to customize the template is Also sensitive to change, namely to replace the General background color, replace the background job... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
VPNconfigure the backend based on openvpn CentOS 7 (Server, Pack "S" Installing the server side on a RAM disk(Tmpfs) The client part of openv... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
To finalize the card on CMS BitrixDear developers, you need to modify the item card on the website IMPORTANT! experience working with Bitrix Write only on a subject, spam... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Programmer for CRM (amoCRM, retailCRM)Need a programmer for the remote to work with amoCRM API, retailCRM. The regular orders. Responsibilities: - CRM integration via API with ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
The edit field in SugarCRM to SuiteCRM asIn SuiteCRM is a function of the cell editing from the card view or list view. You can see it here – Please estimate the cost of implemen... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Create a database in 1CNeed a good 1C to create the database, create automated mechanism work with this data (entering, editing, viewing, deleting, uploading, down... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
The Registrar Viber numbersthrough emulation of Android using services like SMS-reg... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
ProgrammerHave a website on opencart 1.5, you want to make the import items from file, from You the cost and time.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Need a programmer(s) either for revision multiple sitesPayment only upon execution of the task. Write your Skype and hourly cost.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
need it on Google map to set the points with objectsneed it on Google map to set the points with objects and links on the page , in the same way as is done here – objects are not more than ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Finalization of the site on the Bitrix TKfinalization of the site on the Bitrix TK. A list of tasks to the candidate. The replies to the furnace. Normal response start with today�... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
To make a basket for the sitethe Website is made on html ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
To fix on the websiteto Fix on the site, leading to long loading pages. The problem is in the plugin jquery-vertical-accordion-menu. Write here: ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Urgently need a systematic administrator – Database E-mailTechnical specification: a database of subscribers, more than 300,000 people. Need to send her letters. To do a mass mailing and thus and ge... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Urgently need a good programmer and system administratorTechnical task: Need to get domain names from a blacklist of postal service: Letters to it was written, but they don't... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Programming: editing on BitrixOn the redesign: there is a ready layout design, you will need to configure on Bitrix. In addition there will be a number of small tasks no... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
To make a copy of the siteMake a copy of the English version of the site , put it into the modx engine (all edited), add pictures, feedback form, shopping cart and a... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
To program an online store on Opencartyou Must program an online store on Opencart. Ready layout and TK (in the app) is already there, only need the software part. The correct fu... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16
Completion of the personal account on magentoCompletion of the personal account on magento. You must complete a personal profile with the ability to make requests for sale of clients &#... >>>
14.03.2016 12:16