Replacing the template in the online storeThere is a online store platform JOMLA, I want to change the template and adjust menu.... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
Consultant choice of premium template (WordPress, Joomla, etc.) Good day. Plan to check niche directory the city enterprises. The idea is to create a directory of local companies by categories and subcate... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
Need a coder with knowledge lpgeneratorNeed a coder with knowledge lpgenerator, which will be to deliver quality work.... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
Course project - computer science and control systemsType of work: Course projectDiscipline: computer science and control systemsTopic: interface Converter ETH-4xRS232RS485Scope of work: implem... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
Creating an online store with 3 language versionsCreating a website online store with the Ukrainian,Russian and Polish version.-Transfer information,create content don't need-Name 130 ... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
Creative copywriting Agency is looking for a ManagerWe are creative (we think)) Agency copywriting.Successfully working for more than 2 years on the market of Ukraine and Russia.Really need th... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
Translator in English, permanent jobTranslator into English, the subject is tourism.about 10,000 marks a week, 50 UAH page.Sometimes you will need to do a rewrite.Thank you.... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
The development of a design concept business equipmentTo develop design concept (with drawings) shopping island for selling start packages of mobile operators. Area up to 3 meters to Accommodate... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
Filling goods online store (about 800шт.)Good day.You need to fill in an online store commodity positions in an amount of about 800шт (picture, properties, description, price) in ad... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
design elite packaging (gift box paper bag)Our campaign is launching a new initiative production wooden, mechanical 3D designers and looking for kreativnogo designer, for the developm... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
finalization of the site and perform various new tasks on it.On the website for the sale of transportation, you need to make two statistics ads 1) statistics ( how many people viewed the ad number. Plu... >>>
13.03.2016 17:05
To create a website roulette from scratch in two languagesTo create a website roulette from scratch in two languages (Russian and English), to transfer the website to the mobile platform. The user l... >>>
13.03.2016 17:04
the online store on opencart 2.0It is necessary to develop an online store on opencart 2.0 . psd design is... >>>
13.03.2016 17:04
Required EonicThere are articles on the website, you need to specify tags, etc., work for 3-4 hours.... >>>
13.03.2016 17:04
It is necessary to add to the site application formThere is a dental clinic website. It is necessary to add to the site application form.Waiting for Your suggestions.Thank you.... >>>
13.03.2016 17:04
Creating 4 similar sites showcaseCreating 4 similar sites showcases product catalog (without prices!) with the ability to request goods (preparation and sending of the list ... >>>
13.03.2016 17:04
Website designNeed quality, not a template selling website design with integrated services for a given structure. There are examples, clear colors. Paymen... >>>
13.03.2016 17:04
parsing catalog leviton.Need to do the parsing: >>>
13.03.2016 17:04
You want to create an online storeYou want to create an online store for selling stationery ... >>>
13.03.2016 17:04
beri-dariLooking for someone versed in vector graphics for creating images, labels in the vector,and subsequently use them for printing. Such order w... >>>
13.03.2016 17:04