Control of contextual advertising Yandex Direct and Google AdwordsGood day, we have several, probably even many campaigns. You need to monitor traffic, add minus, make reports, give advice. Direct and Adwor... >>>
16.02.2022 11:34
You need to set up targeted advertising for an online storeYou need to set up targeted advertising for an online store Budget from 10 tr.per day. We need the most clear powerful advertising. There ar... >>>
16.02.2022 11:34
Programmer / web-developer 1C-Bitrix (remotely)Required work experience: 1-3 yearsFull-time, remote workTemporary registration is possible: service contract, contract, GPH, self-employed,... >>>
16.02.2022 11:32
Requires an OpenCart programmer to maintain the siteThe site on OpenCart requires the fulfillment of technical tasks.... >>>
16.02.2022 11:32
Finish the site, make corrections, publish the English version of the site.Good afternoon, there is a site you need to finish it: make cosmetic changes, redo some links, publish an English version of t... >>>
16.02.2022 11:30
Finalization of the site ( social set )There is a ready-made social network (developed according to the template) (already installed on the server) you need a person who will make... >>>
15.02.2022 22:42
PHP/LaravelIt is necessary to add a back for the system in php/laravel. You will have to delve into someone elses code, which was written by the previo... >>>
15.02.2022 20:51
Notify customers about unavailable products in OpenCartMake an alert button in the order card (admin panel) with template text. Works on the principle - highlighted the product that is not availa... >>>
15.02.2022 20:48
Opencart DeveloperRequires a developer with an hour rate over an online store on opencart. Knowledge of the git is a must. In general, the tasks are to instal... >>>
15.02.2022 20:13
You need to fix the siteGood afternoon! We are looking for a specialist who can make changes to our site. Heres what you need to do: - correct redirects - Meta-d... >>>
15.02.2022 20:12
Develop backend in PHPIt is required to develop a REST API on the Yii2 framework (PHP) according to the finished technical task. The project is long-term, subsequ... >>>
15.02.2022 20:09
Yii2 (PHP) FullstackWe are finalizing the online store of garment products, written in Yii2 self-written parts in PHP. Tasks are set through Redmine, review thr... >>>
15.02.2022 19:55
Finalization of the site on Yii2 (PHP)The project is an online store of garment products, written in Yii2 self-written parts in PHP. Immediate tasks: 1) Implement CSRF on the f... >>>
15.02.2022 15:16
Connect installments from Alfa-Bank to WordPress (Woocommerce) via APIYou need to configure the API from Alfa-Bank on WordPress (Woocommerce). Make a button to buy in installments. Ill reset the API instruction... >>>
15.02.2022 10:38
Website support on DrupalHello, we are looking for a programmer to support the site on Drupal. >>>
14.02.2022 20:48
Creating a telegram chatbotIt is necessary to develop a career guidance test that will produce results in accordance with the selected answer options.Below is the stru... >>>
14.02.2022 20:47
Create a calculator for opencartThere is a TK on the creation of a calculator, I would like to know the cost... >>>
14.02.2022 20:46
Restore Theme to WordPress (Twig Template Engine)Colleaguesthe WordPress site stopped working and the theme flew off on it. The site was restored, but we cannot restore the theme. You need ... >>>
14.02.2022 20:45
Output of entered data from the admin panel to the siteIt is necessary to make a conclusion of all filled fields, including the output of the route on the map, with the coordinates entered. There... >>>
14.02.2022 20:45
Automatic/recurring payments (subscription) in the WooCommerce extension for Sberbank AcquiringImplement in Wordpress WooCommerce Subscriptions-plugin "Rbspayments" (Sberbank-version) support for recurring / auto-payments to organize a... >>>
14.02.2022 20:45