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Need help setting up 1C Bitrix

Good day! We have a problem on the website.

There is a directory of 1C. Configured data exchange. But because the dataset is large, we do not use this exchange. Files being manually loaded from an XML file through the standard import 1C Bitrix.

When unloading we set the checkbox to the goods not unloaded, had deaktivirati or removed. But they still hang on the website. How to be?

In the same way when uploading are duplicates of the goods. Specialists 1C assure that the program takes no. The iblock and directories to Bang does not work, because the system references a bunch of data files with the other files and so on..

You need to configure the correct exchange from the file and provide recommendations on exchange from 1S to be large files to send ,without any time-consuming and crushing them into segments (which we already passed).

Ready to work for the safe transaction, and a checking account!
03.04.2020 11:41

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