Refine online store, CodeigniterIt is necessary to embed the definition of the city by ip-address in the online store. Presumably sypexgeoIf there are other options, we wil... >>>
09.11.2022 16:15
Confirmation of Paypal ID on our website (PHP)You need to get PayPal ID (login), for example, by PayerID or paymentId, and compare with the one recorded in the MySQL database (confirm ac... >>>
09.11.2022 15:59
It is necessary to add the sending of events by clicking NUXT/LARAVELIt is necessary to add sending events by clicking NUXT/LARAVEL only for fullstackIt is necessary to add the sending of events by clicking on... >>>
09.11.2022 15:44
Develop a notification module and send to email in CRM on YII2There is a CRM-system for setting goals and objectives for employees of the company, developed on YII2.Inside the system there are notificat... >>>
09.11.2022 15:25
Make an online store on a paid WordPress templateGood afternoon! There is a paid template for WordPress with Envato. You need to set up an online store based on this template with the follo... >>>
09.11.2022 15:24
Fix errors in the layout and connect the API (together with the backend)We consider only developers with real commercial experience and real projects that can be evaluated and get feedback from customers! reason:... >>>
09.11.2022 15:24
Developer of laravel vueThere is a site - admin panel user part.Admin panel on laravel vue.User part on laravel.It is necessary to fix bugs slowly develop new funct... >>>
09.11.2022 15:24
Finalization of the site on Simpla CMS.1. Fix the merging of cards in the admin panel so that each color has its own address. 2. Fix in the product card now the image is stretched... >>>
08.11.2022 19:21
You need to develop an online store based on WoocommerceIt is required to develop an online store based on Woocommerce.Main functionality: ⁃ Personal account, the ability to add products to favor... >>>
08.11.2022 19:04
Parser from the siteGood afternoon!Brief technical specifications. A parser from the site is requiredIn the photo, the talitsa exce... >>>
08.11.2022 19:04
Site edits to MODxIn the process of developing the site, some non-critical bugs and incomplete moments remained The main thing is a blog, or ra... >>>
08.11.2022 17:48
Do refactoring and optimization on the site, LaravelIt is necessary to determine the location of the site: what spams requests, what takes a long time to load, etc. The goal is to find the mos... >>>
08.11.2022 14:10
Develop Methods for emptying all baskets / checkout of all baskets, PHPIt is necessary to make 2 methods that will be run by the administrator and managers from administrators:Empty all Recycle Bins. that is, al... >>>
08.11.2022 14:09
Add an invoice payment methodThe site sells services and tickets for events. Now only card payment is available. It is necessary to create an invoice for payment, duplic... >>>
07.11.2022 19:28
Project support on Yii2Frequent tasks: Integration of layout with CMS Design and implementation of complete functional modules of the system (first together with t... >>>
07.11.2022 19:27
Write a backend in laravelWe need to implement three entities - supplier, buyer, super admin.As a basis, we can take a ready-made back - >>>
07.11.2022 19:27
Development of the site from 0 on Opencart and refinement of the current projectHello, it is necessary to develop a site on Opencart with 0, but first you need to finalize the current project, make adjustments.I am looki... >>>
07.11.2022 19:26
Php script: read emails via smtp and save to mysqlYou need a script that, when launched, receives new messages from the mailbox on the (authorization by login and password, this fu... >>>
07.11.2022 19:26
Improvements of CRM system on laravelGood afternoonThere is a self-written CRM on laravel. It is necessary to improve the functionality and fix bugs. It will be a plus if you ha... >>>
07.11.2022 19:25
Wordpress improvements. Programming. Knowledge of plugins.Finalize the site on WordPress (and periodically refine) Clone a site to another domain Make an instruction – how to clone a site to anoth... >>>
07.11.2022 14:39