Need a programmer to connect payment systemsYou need to make payment system for website... >>>
29.02.2020 14:26
Unloading YML at OZON.ruTo create a script to import the goods on Ozone. 1) at the input link YML with the goods and modifications 2) the ID of the bundles of sect... >>>
29.02.2020 14:25
Edits on website thereforeHello. There are several tasks therefore Need to do the following: 1) to Put a captcha on the page ... >>>
29.02.2020 14:24
Completion of the site on BitrixNeed to finalize site to Bitrix A certificate of welcome... >>>
29.02.2020 14:22
Revision / Development WordPress pluginGood afternoon it is necessary to modify or develop a WordPress plugin based on our tor, the budget is likely there will probably be a rewor... >>>
29.02.2020 14:21
To move the worpdress website on a VPS CMS: WordpressAt the moment the site is on a "shared hosting" is running cPanel.You want to migrate to VPS: Ubuntu 18.04 VestaCP and config... >>>
27.02.2020 15:02
PHP developer Need experienced php developer for 2 projects. First - CRM in yii2, the second online store on samopisnom engine.Requirements:- experience ... >>>
27.02.2020 15:02
captchato improve the captcha on the site, what works, what doesn't work on some pages... >>>
27.02.2020 14:56
API integration Tinkoff mass payoutsThe backend is made in Ruby (Ruby on Rails). You need to integrate mass payments using the API Tinkoff. Doc Pay attention to the process ... >>>
27.02.2020 14:54
Requires specialist sites on BitrixGood afternoon. Looking for sites on Bitrix. There are current tasks to perform, there is a plan to parazitii project for the future. Curren... >>>
27.02.2020 14:53
site improvements on the framework, yii2Necessary site improvements on the framework, yii2 version compliance with all accepted standards. Current tasks: 1. Translate sit... >>>
27.02.2020 14:53
Add new fields to the item card on the website with CMS NetCat (CS-Cart)In the item card on the website lacks the information block with additional fields characteristics. Need to create a new InfoBlock of the "L... >>>
27.02.2020 14:48
To fix the basket on ThereforeBroken shopping cart on the website (Therefore). The problem is repeated not for the first time. Already tried to fix other programmers, but... >>>
27.02.2020 14:47
Fixed a WordPress plugin in the list of corrections from CodecanyonHello, we have a plugin, when you try posting on the Codecanyon marketplace moderator gave a list of needed technical improvements: You n... >>>
27.02.2020 14:37
To save data from form in CRM Bitrix 24Need API to push the data from the contact form of the website in Bitrix24 CRM. Have a booking form on the website. Form submission on the w... >>>
27.02.2020 14:21
The revision of the code of WoocommerceThere is a code that displays on category pages of Woocommerce store child sub-categories (screens in attachment). Live you can look here ... >>>
27.02.2020 14:18
completion of the Home page shared: leave the slider 3 slide To increase a bit the font size of the text under each slide 1st slide: Title: "inves... >>>
27.02.2020 14:17
Develop a "calculator calculate the cost" for joomla 3.9Develop a "calculator calculate the cost" to joomla 3.9. Detailed TOR in the attachment.... >>>
27.02.2020 14:17
work in simplaadd a button ,finished some stuff for the project... >>>
27.02.2020 14:17
Need to speed up the website on WebAssistHello need to speed up the website, to shorten the code and compress the image (if needed) in the attachment... >>>
27.02.2020 14:15