To recommend smooth webinar and install it on your websiteit Should introduce a stable platform of webinars, or plugin webinars, and install it on your website ps: the article only dea... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
The programming of BarxPage design: main The timing, cost coding programming? The timing, cost only programming?... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Fixing bugs in the bot for NodeJS and MongoDByou Need to find the cause of the errors the bot which cause it not function properly, and eliminate these mistakes and make sure that they ... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Configure the exchange with the website on BitrixTechnical specification in the attachment. You need to elaborate only on the side of Bitrix, 1C on the side of work performed independently.... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
The integration of e-mail and sms mailing services at Landingiwe model infobiznesa, respectively we need a specialist for the integration of e-mail and SMS mailing services. Task: there are 3 Landinga –... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Revision sites on codetinger wordpressRevision sites on codetinger wordpress TK on request.... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Finalization of the site campisaExcellent knowledge of: PHP, MySQLi, Bootstrap, jQuery TK interested on Skype Answer key: write down the Panda, the cost of operation per ho... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Edit forum on the engine punBB – who already worked with him? TK You need to insert the codes of counters, and check why the letter did not come with the activation registrasi... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Decrypting data from the impact VAULTyou Need to decrypt files which were encrypted "virus" VAULT. Deadline – as quickly as possible. The amount of work – from 10 to 90 computer... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
To make changes to the Excel fileyou Need to modify two forms to show true name and address of the organization. The original document was made using macros. Need someone wh... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
To write a program for ArduinoThere is programmator (one in one as in the picture You must write logic to 6 outputs. In particular consistently worked each of these ou... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
the specialist or team Python,Django,Node.js,Postgres qlThere are a number of tasks on the project. For the team or a specialist to complete the project. Everyone who works with data technologies... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Web programming using JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, AJAX, CSSWeb programming using JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, MySQL, AJAX, CSS (Good knowledge) Creation and modification of scripts "filter menu" on the w... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
To add functionality to the site in RUBY.There is a poorly written website Have to finish there part of the functionality, i.e., will have to deal with someone else'... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
To configure your Robokassathe Website and TK throw off in PM. my Skype moontartar... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
You want to create a table of orders of goods for joomlayou want to create a table of orders of goods for the site on cms joomla. On the website to place a request for the sending of cargo in th... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Drawing on masmGood day! You need to implement the drawing in the application (shading – shading). The programming language asm (masm dialect). Graphics ad... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
To finalize the store on Open cart 2.01)Display the text in the cap schedule,phone number , TSS 2)Make the banner pop up at the entrance to collect the subscription base. (lamoda... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
To alter a component for CMS JoomlaRequires modifications or equivalent with additional functionality, the exchange of gifts "Gift Exchange" CMS Joomla. Demo components: ... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25
Need programmer that knows webasyst shop-script 309.Dear freelancers! Have a website A few problems: 1. When you log on to the website immediately POPs a window that cannot ... >>>
16.03.2016 23:25