The VC and FB promotionyou need to create and promote the group Vkontakte and Facebook, photos are available ... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Batch processing of predmetni (apparel)Need batch photo processing (about 100 pieces) Cropping up to 1200 by 1200 pixels, color correction. If work is need on a permanent basis. ... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Copywriting on a long term basisNeed copywriters for writing articles on popular subjects (auto, construction, business, tourism, etc.). Work experience in this field. Sala... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Filling the online store goodsFilling the online store goods thermal engineering topics on the platform Gollos1. The content of the site headings - The title, description... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
CNC for the site samopisnogo engineHave a website you want to configure CNC. by the code of the engine there is a man who will be able to tell.... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Improvement online chatYou must modify the chat application to connect to an existing chat JivoSite or similar. Please respond to artists with experience in simila... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Looking for Coder for wordpressYou need to make a corporate website. There is a template (purchased on to deploy to Wopdpress parallax effects to add ... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Need corporate website design in PSD files.We created a corporate web site, which is 80% ready. But when you do, we thought only about the functionality. Now we need to make beauty. P... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Writing reviews google , hotline, price.uaWriting reviews about the store of office equipment:- google - 5- hotline - 10 - - 5... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Logo design (portfolio required)Colleagues, all greetings.Be sure the portfolio for the creation of logos. Prepare answers to numerous questions on Your cases.Basic name - ... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Pull on WooCommerceHello. There is a constant proectare work on WordPress. Now there's a job to pull woocommerceThe job is urgent. Write in Skype alextsio... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Copy the website - need to mark up all the page (before the login button)The price and terms, please specify.Myself a freelancer, but stupidly did not have ... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Translator teamThe private club will have a team of professional responsible translator from English into Russian language.If you:- have experience in tran... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Transfer site from wix to joomlaNeed to move 2 simple website online store on joomla with virtue mart.The design is simple, lightweight.Website 1 In each store the minimum ... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Bakalarski robot filolog W/translationLanguage: Ukrainian Topic: Problem with variationist peredach technical neologs Volume: 55-60 stornachTask: you need to have Dolce on but 40... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
The applicationPersonal account functions: Control of fuel consumption, oil consumption, automatically send email and SMS messages, the Function GPS.... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Write a C program using WTL and CDHTMLDIALOGYou want to write a C program using WTL and CDHTMLDIALOG. The program consists of a window with a button. Pressing the button made simple ca... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Fix error Opencart, on the website an error occurred:Notice: Undefined index: 9 in /home/pyrostyl/public_html/catalog/controller/module/... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
Remote working requires the programmer to DrupalHello dear experts.We really need good, competent and responsible Drupal specialist.At an hourly rate. Work with task Manager and control wo... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27
To set up the account in MailChimp serviceTask:1. fully to set up the account in MailChimp, to associate an account with SOC.networks, to form several groups of subscribers for furth... >>>
16.03.2016 12:27