Looking for a web programmer!Looking for a web programmer! Need to write a script for anything that will work with the sites for the details in PM: Payment quite a l... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Need a programmer!Need a programmer! Need to write a script for anything that will work with the sites for the details in PM: Payment quite a lot.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Looking for a programmer!Looking for a programmer! Need to write a script for anything that will work with the sites for the details in PM: Payment quite a lot.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Need to write a script!Need to write a script! Need to write a script for anything that will work with the sites for the details in PM: Payment quite a lot.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Need help in passing the test 1C-Bitrix CertificationGood day! We need help in passing the missing tests 1C-Bitrix Certification: The "Certificate Administrator. Business" Certificate "Develop... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Android app for searching air ticketsyou want to create a turnkey basic Android app to search for tickets based on the SDK Features: 1. The departure city is determined by geo... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Need a programmer-the company implementing CRM 1C in the largest French, Moscow5дн working week. Registration by the labour code. Work with business trips to Moscow-MO, remote work. Escape for a large project. Required ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Refine the siteNeed to finalize a fake site. Linking saved pages, do a pinch. The website is on iis... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Android app for selling contentNeed to make a turnkey application for sale Wallpaper for HTC Dоt Viеw covers 1. To offer monetization options with payment only through goo... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Website formto Program the form as (see link e.mail.ru/message/1444745... when you click on the TAKE SURVEY button from sending letters. Design letters ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
The programmer, creating html for your siteThere is customer who wants to see on the website guest book (It will be something like "Orders of voters"), any person can write what he ex... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Parser base of auto partswe Need a parser base of auto parts. The link is ready to throw in the LS. Getting started – immediately.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
The implementation of QlikViewShould the primary implementing QlikView and customized reporting on lead generation and processing orders from customers You must have the... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Script mailbox processing and transfer of information in GooglebotGood day :) The task is to write a script that will process the mail and carry a letter in the Google spreadsheets (Google Spreadsheets) br... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Svirstroy page programmed codeThere are ready-made page layout is ready at 95%, front-end developer it is weird. To be here Need to remount the system of payment (ROBOK... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Write the parser for WordPressI Need to write the parser for wordpress. You need to parse the same page structure. Automatically once a day. To sum up all the data under ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Tie the feedback form on three lindosoTie the feedback form on three lindoso, of course the letter should fall in the mail. Payment WebMoney – 300 rubles Contacts antoly_555 d... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Restoration/creation of the file of the website 1C-Bitrix b_event_logthe file was dropped. You need to create such a file.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Tie the feedback form – landing pageTie the feedback form on landing page three, the letter must go to the post office. Payment webmoney Contacts: Mail – antoly_555 dog mail... >>>
14.03.2016 12:53
Urgently requires a PythonDjango specialistUrgently required specialist PythonDjango, to finalize the website. Discussed individually, your budget. Scope of work – install on the webs... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52