Automatic imports of goods in online store VK.comHello! You need to create a program to import goods from our online store in online store in touch ( Offer options, how will You imp... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Buy base 2gisthe Whole country. With the ability to filter by parameters. Please write the price.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
The program parserGood day. Need a program parser with the following functions: the definition of cms Bitrix. netcat, umi on the website the definition of th... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Parse to create a page with a list of TV programsto Create pages for the site with a list of TV channels. Parse: ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
in the program created in Delphi to add the formin the program created in Delphi to add the form. one of the requirements that this form had its own, independent numbering... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
The website blocks your antivirusto Solve this problem... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Required php programmer for long term workI Need to write the parser price lists from third-party stores and uniting them in a common database and search on them. Plus additional fea... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Need to develop a mobile application for IOSyou want to develop a mobile application for IOS. There is a website. The website with ads, works similar to the app avito. Budget up to 50 ... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
UI development for Java-based frontend (CoffeeScript)UI development using HTML/CSS/JS for Java-based frontend Peter !!!Possible relocation, corporate apartment!!!! Help if necessary to move f... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Urgent programming symptom-checker!Urgent! You must programmirovat symptom checker for medical portal.There is a primary website design without razblokirovki. All the compone... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Multi-currency woocommerceyou Need to add the page change woocommerce product 3 more fields for currency (rubles,dollars,euros) and then converts the specified fields... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
A lot of small tasks .net programmersI'm a freelancer in companies my friend. Need programmers to help. I will set goals, accept, test and launch to production. Pictures a... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Multifunctional B2B directory of companies and productsTransfer existing website to a new engine on the framework. The website address You want ONLY experienced programmer.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Assistance in adjusting the file to Yandex.Market.Created a file in xls format, but Yandex.Market don't miss it, it is necessary to eliminate errors in it.... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
You need to make adjustments to the website on YII1. The issue came to the subdomain site it is necessary to completely close it from indexing robots.txt in order to avoid duplication of con... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Learning portal moodleGood day dear friends. The task for configuring the resource. TK will provide in the future on the learning environment moodle This task the... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
It is necessary to develop a platform for mobile applicationsNeed to develop a platform (the designer for mob. applications) 1. Anyone will be able to make a mob. app 2. Any users can upload and sell y... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
Software (utility or its software) video MIXERThere is a problem. Can you advise the Il invite. 1. Is wowza 2. her come the rtmp live streams ,live. 3. there rostovye pictures 4. there a... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
To finish the program in Delphi – internal soft cafeWelcome! Wanted an experienced programmer and the company, ready to help finish an existing project. Due to external problems I had to part... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52
To perform work on programming in Borland C Builder 6the Assignment in the attached file. Waiting for your offers by price and due date... >>>
14.03.2016 12:52